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Startup. Maker. Innovation.

Creativesi Solut

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ions, we can accomplish this.

Creative Solutions

Choose the course in the Basic or Pro version that you prefer or usufrusci of the complete package

Visual Design Course

Consulenza & Creatività

Siamo creativi.

Progettiamo e forniamo un' esperienza innovativa attraverso
la realizzazione di servizi che miliorano la vita delle persone.

Product Design80%
Web Marketing95%

Idea to product.

  • Research
  • Opportunity Analysis
  • Consulting
  • Brand Planning

Entra in contatto


startup 1
startup 2
startup 3
startup 4


Web Development

Realization of dedicated software and web

Stampa 3D

we design and print 3d prototypes. We

UX Design

make the interaction between the customer and the product


unique. Learn the rules well so you can break them effectively.

Contattaci per il tuo prossimo progetto.

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